Although bouncing on a trampoline is a fun activity for both adults and children alike, it is not without risk. Landing awkwardly, spraining joints and even bouncing right over the side are unfortunately common. However, there are measures you can take to reduce the risk of injury and making sure that your trampoline is simply a source of fun. Here are some tips for staying safe.
Children should be supervised at all times when they are on a trampoline. When you are young, it is normal to be brave, take risks and test the boundaries. When using a trampoline, children will often try tricks, jumps and flips. Although this is all part of the fun, it is important that they have a sensible adult on hand to advise them about safety and to be there in the event of an accident.
Limit numbers
Another cause of accidents is having too many people on the trampoline at once. As they bounce at different times, it may cause others to land awkwardly and this can lead to sprains or even fractures. Also, the more people who are on the trampoline, the greater the risk there is of children bumping into one another and sustaining injuries. It is better to have no more than two people on the trampoline at any one time.
Choice of trampolines
There are lots of trampolines available on the market, coming in all shapes and sizes. However, it is important to read and understand the features of each as this may play a role on your safety when using the trampoline. In terms of safety, one of the best options are Springfree Trampolines. The benefit of these is that there are no springs exposed to trap fingers in and there are no gaps around the edge of the trampoline for limbs to fall through. Another advantage of opting for this type of trampoline is that the frame is also hidden, so there is no risk of hurting yourself by landing on the frame.
Safety nets
Many trampolines come with a safety net. Even if they do not, it is worth paying the additional money to add this safety feature to your trampoline. They will stop anyone using the trampoline from falling over the edge, one of the most common causes of injury. Remember to make sure that your safety net is securely fastened all the way round.
Safe positioning
Where you put your trampoline can also affect how safe you will be when using it. It is important that you put it on a flat and even surface with space around the whole diameter. This will prevent the trampoline from toppling or users injuring themselves by bumping into walls, sheds or garden furniture. Also, try to avoid an area with overhanging tree branches. This is for two reasons. Firstly, jumping into a branch is a potential hazard. Secondly, leaves falling onto the trampoline surface may cause slippery areas and increase the risk of slipping and falling.
A trampoline is a great source of fun and entertainment for the whole family and has the added benefit of keeping you fit. As with all physical activities, there is the risk of accidental injury. By using the tips mentioned here, you should be able to continue having fun on your trampoline in a safe and injury-free manner.
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